Immigration Psychological Evaluations Available Throughout Michigan

If you are applying for Asylum, Extreme Hardship, a U-visa or T-visa, or immigration relief through the Violence Against Women Act, a psychological evaluation can be an essential component of your case. According to the Physicians for Human Rights, those who submit a psychological evaluation along with their application have an increased likelihood of winning their case.

These evaluations can document the lasting effects of abuse, exploitation, persecution, and other forms of violence on an immigrant’s mental health and wellbeing, which can further demonstrate the appropriateness of the relief they seek.


  • Extensive Training conducting psychological evaluations for immigration applications from Physicians for Human Rights and King Clinical and Education Services.

Psychological Evaluations Different from Other Therapists

  • Evaluations take place where the client is the most comfortable whether that be their home, virtually or in an office setting.

  • Concise, comprehensive reports that include information that immigration officials look for when making decisions about a client’s application.

  • Trained in the Istanbul Protocol for forensic evaluations, which is the gold standard for Asylum petitions.

  • Bi-lingual and bicultural

  • Assessments can be completed in either English or Spanish

  • For clients who speak another language, I provide a qualified interpreter free of charge to facilitate communication between myself and the client.

Discussing traumatic and stressful experiences can be overwhelming, and I want my clients to feel as safe and as comfortable as possible during this process.

I understand that psychological evaluations can be costly, and I am committed to supporting immigrants of all backgrounds in their relief process. To that end, I offer income-based sliding scale fees for those who may need extra assistance. 

All clients will be given a concise and comprehensive report detailing the evaluation to include in their immigration application. These reports have demonstrated success in helping clients obtain the relief they seek.

For costs, scheduling, or to see a redacted example of my evaluation report, please reach out via phone or email!


How long does it take to do an assessment and get an evaluation report?

From the first phone call, a client can have a report available to them within 3-4 weeks. This allows for the scheduling of 2 sessions, and comprising and editing the report. If a report is needed more quickly, it can be expedited for an additional fee, depending on therapist availability.

Do you offer payment plans?

Payment arrangements and payment plans can be made prior to the first appointment. These plans will include a down payment. Please note, a completed report will not be provided to a client or their attorney until payment is received in full.

Do you provide ongoing therapy for evaluation clients?

Unfortunately, providing ongoing therapy for clients that have also received a psychological evaluation is not possible at this time. I can provide resources and referrals for trauma-informed therapists who can provide ongoing counseling if desired.