Get the care you deserve to meet your therapy goals.

Our Services

For Michigan and Iowa Residents

Cost and Rates:

To set up a free 15-20 minute consultation, please text or call (269) 262-5546 or email


Individual Therapy | $130

Couples Therapy | $160

Individual Therapy Intake Session | $160

Couples Therapy Intake Session | $200

Limited income based, reduced fee sessions available. Please reach out to discuss availability and determine fees.

Insurances Accepted for Michigan Residents Only:

  • Aetna

  • Blue Cross Blue Shield (all states)

  • Blue Care Network

  • Cigna

  • Priority Health (Coming Soon)

  • United Healthcare

  • Teens: Children on the edge of young adulthood face many unique challenges. Between the ages of ten and eighteen, children form their self-image, assert their independence, and begin to find their place in the world. During this difficult transition, adolescents must also navigate other obstacles, such as bullying, drugs and alcohol, school work, athletics, friendships, dating, family dynamics, and much more. We will work together to work through issues safely, build confidence and help client’s form a positive sense of self.

  • Adults: It all starts with the decision to seek support. You are taking the first steps of this journey, but you won’t walk it alone. Therapy is an investment in yourself and if your desire for change starts from within, therapy will likely be a great benefit to you. Whatever struggles you may be going through in life, it is an honor for us to walk this journey with you. If you or someone you know, struggles with something like anxiety or depression, or simply want a different perspective, it is something we can work together to take the steps towards your goals.

  • Couples: Relationships can be one of the most rewarding and challenging aspects of our lives. Sometimes obstacles can get in the way where seeking help can be beneficial. At Elevated Therapeutic Services, we pride ourselves on creating a safe environment to express your authentic feelings. We are proud to utilize the Gottman Method in couples therapy. This method is designed to help teach specific tools to deepen friendship and intimacy in your relationship. To help you productively manage conflicts, you will be given methods to manage “resolve problems” and dialogue about “gridlocked” or perpetual issues. We will also work together to help you appreciate your relationship’s strengths to gently navigate through its vulnerabilities.

  • Families: Family units are one of the most important interpersonal relationships that we have in our life. They are a great source of love, stability and joy. However, families can be complicated. When families experience instability or conflict, it can cause feelings of insecurity, more stress and overall less happiness. Family therapy can help overcome conflict, navigate mental health concerns, and help everyone live more harmoniously together.

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.