Do you:

  • put off doing things that are important to you?

  • find it impossible to complete things before losing focus or interest?

  • feel overwhelmed with a lengthy to do list, or can’t seem to find your to do list or don’t know how to make them?

  • have a hard time organizing and keeping track of things?

  • feel bad about yourself because of disorganization, procrastination or underachievement?

  • get told by others told you that you act like an ADHD person?

The chaos of living with unrecognized and untreated ADD/ADHD can take its toll. The good news is life doesn’t have to be this way.

Maybe it’s never-ending to-do lists, the stress of missed deadlines and forgotten appointments, aggravated friends and family members who just don’t understand why you can’t pull it together and blaming yourself for not being able to do what seems so easy for others.

Your brain is not broken. It just operates in a way that is different than how our world works. In therapy we will work together to find techniques that your brain likes so they are easier to implement. We will work around the negative self-view that often comes with self-blame associated with experiencing neurodivergent symptoms.

While ADD/ADHD is not a character flaw or something you caused, the disorder is an explanation, not an excuse. You still have to attend meetings, be on time, complete the tasks and be present in your life. It’s a challenge, but therapy is here to help you recognize your strengths, and use them to develop skills that will allow you to work better, be better organized, and interact with people more effectively. If you are ready to take this next step, you can begin the journey of counteracting the effects of ADD/ADHD.